Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Software Instat statistics software Basic free statistical analyses of Categorical data - Fisher's, Chi square, McNemar's, Sign test, CI of proportion, NNT (number needed to treat), kappa. Continuous data - Descriptive statistics, detect outlier, t test, CI of mean/difference/ratio/SD, multiple comparisons tests, linear regression. Statistical distributions and interpreting P values - Calculate P from t, z, r, F or chi-square, or vice-versa. View Binomial, Poisson or Gaussian distribution. Correct a P value for multiple comparisons and Bayes. Random numbers - Assign subjects to groups, simulate data. Chemical and radiochemical data - Create and convert molar solutions, convert moles & grams, radioactivity calculations.

Statistics resources

(Electronic Version): StatSoft, Inc. (2013). Electronic Statistics Textbook. Tulsa, OK: StatSoft. Printed Version): Hill, T. & Lewicki, P. (2007). STATISTICS: Methods and Applications. StatSoft, Tulsa, OK. StatSoft has freely provided the Electronic Statistics Textbook as a public service since 1995. I recommend: